Multi-client capability

Discover the benefits of multi-client capability with ContractHero! Multi-client capability allows companies to manage multiple companies on a common platform.

Restrict access

Multi-client capability allows you to restrict access to confidential information to individual subsidiaries. This ensures higher data security through an optimal representation of the company structure.

Increased efficiency in contract management

You can organize and structure contracts and documents for different subsidiaries more easily because they are available on a common platform. This increases the efficiency of your contract management and saves time.

ContractHero adapts to your needs

ContractHero's multi-tenancy is scalable, which means you can adapt it to your company's needs. You can easily add or remove as many subsidiaries as you want, depending on how your business evolves.

Improved internal communication

Multi-client capability facilitates internal communication and data exchange between different departments or subsidiaries, as everyone can access the same data.

Efficient auditing

ContractHero's central multi-client platform offers the opportunity to increase efficiency in auditing processes. By consolidating all relevant information in one central location, audits can be performed faster and more thoroughly.

Advantages of multi-client capability with ContractHero

Time saving
You save valuable time by not having to switch between different tools.
Effective teamwork
Have multiple teams working on a contract at the same time.
Better control
Keep track of your company's and subsidiaries' contracts.
Clear responsibilities
Thanks to the multi-team function, responsibilities are clearly defined.

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