Task management & reminders

Streamline your contract process with efficient task management and automated reminders with ContractHero. Once configured, you will be reminded in time of upcoming deadlines and contract renewals.

Everything at a glance

Our task management allows you to manage all tasks related to your contracts in one place. Create tasks, assign them to employees and track progress - all at a glance.

Automatic deadline reminder

Never forget an important deadline again. Our reminder function automatically reminds you of upcoming deadlines and obligations. So you can make sure you're always up to date.

Save time and resources

Automate tasks and reminders to save time and resources and minimize human error. Transform your contract process into an efficient and smooth operation.

Real-time status updates

Receive real-time updates on the status of each task. Whether in progress, completed or overdue - a glance at the dashboard or your emails is all it takes to know the current status of all contract activities.

Would you like to find out more?

In the following video you will find a detailed explanation:

Advantages of task management and reminders at ContractHero

Increased productivity through easy management of tasks and deadlines.
Reduction of human errors and associated costs.
Optimization of the contract process for more efficiency and better results.

Start now with ContractHero

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