Digital signature

Digital signatures - seamlessly integrated into our contract management software

Optimize your contract processing with digital signatures and direct archiving in ContractHero. Supports all common formats such as QES and FES.
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Digital signature

Increase efficiency and reduce costs

Speed up your contract processing with digital signatures.
Simplify preparation, forwarding and approval.
Reduce paper and shipping costs with digital processes.
Customized invitations

Collect signatures quickly and easily

Create individual invitations for contract signature.
Send instructions or justifications.
Eliminate cumbersome back and forth between tools or platforms - sign directly in the cloud.
Contract management

100% integrated into our contract management software

Direct central archiving after all signatures have been collected.
Important data is extracted and categorized using AI.
Automatic reminders of all deadlines for the new contract.

Increased safety and compliance with all regulations

Legal certainty through compliance with all legal requirements.
Detailed audit trail for each signature.
Use of certified signature procedures.

200+ customers rate ContractHero with a full 5 stars

4.8 out of 103 ratings

4.9 out of 20 ratings

4.7 out of 125 ratings

Selected customers

"ContractHero takes our contract management to a whole new level. Contracts are transformed from soulless documents into living potentials. This frees up liquidity so that hhpberlin can work more agilely and develop even faster."

Stefan Truthän

Managing Partner

Experience our integrated digital signature in action!
Would you like to experience the benefits of our digital signature for yourself? Arrange a demo and discover how simple and efficient digital contract management can be.
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