Efficient contract management improves structures at Natsana


Natsana grew very quickly as a startup and merger of originally three individual companies. As a result, there is an extensive contract portfolio, but the information is distributed in different places. In addition, responsibilities for different types of contracts have changed. All of this has led Natsana to actively search for and use a contract management tool.

  • Rapid growth
  • Distribute important info everywhere
  • Changed responsibilities


Since the roll-out of ContractHero at Natsana, the entire company has a uniform structure and harmonised processes for contracts. In addition, those responsible in the individual departments have the possibility to quickly identify gaps and optimise them on their own responsibility. As a result of the autonomous optimisations in the individual departments, among other things, numerous duplicate contracts were identified, cancelled and thus considerable costs were saved.

The implementation of the contract management software also enables uniform structures and accelerated processes for contracts throughout the company. Searching for a contract or contract details from a contract previously took about ten minutes. Now, however, it takes less than a minute to obtain information of any kind from one of the more than 100 digitized contracts.

  • Cost savings through contracts terminated on time
  • Accelerated processes in the company
  • Uniform structures for contracts

Through ContractHero, we finally have all our contracts in one central place. In addition, the dashboard gives us an instant view of all relevant information - an extreme time saver in our daily routine and a source of valuable operational knowledge!

Florian Bell

Managing Director Natsana GmbH

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