The Important KPIs in Contract Management: A Guide

Contract management forms an indispensable foundation in business life - it serves to establish new business relationships, maintain existing partnerships and ensure security-relevant compliance. In this context, KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) play a particularly important role. They function as quantifiable indicators that provide information about the efficiency and effectiveness of contract management.

The relevance of KPIs in contract management

KPIs, short for "Key Performance Indicators", are essential in corporate management. They are used to measure specific success and performance factors within a company and translate them into tangible figures. These figures provide a clear representation of success and challenges in various business areas.

KPIs are particularly crucial in contract management. They enable a company to gain insights into how efficiently contract negotiations are conducted, whether contracts are concluded in a timely manner and, above all, whether contractual terms and conditions are consistently adhered to. They not only show current performance levels, but also where there is a need for optimization.

For executives, KPIs provide a solid foundation for strategic decision-making. With KPIs at their side, they are better equipped to be proactive and steer the course of their business in the complex contract environment.

The most important KPIs in contract management: an overview

Negotiation time of the contract

The time span from the start of negotiations to the final signing of the contract is an essential indicator of the efficiency and effectiveness of the parties involved. This duration should not be too short to maximize business opportunities, while at the same time sufficient to carefully review all details. Delays in this process can have various causes, such as bottlenecks in internal communication, unclear contract terms, or inadequate decision-making structures. A long negotiation time can thus indicate systemic weaknesses.

Compliance rates

What is a compliance rate anyway? Compliance describes the adherence to all legal requirements as well as internal guidelines. To create a compliance rate, all relevant criteria are first defined that meet both legal requirements and internal guidelines. The compliance rates for these criteria are then measured and summarized. The compliance rate is then expressed as the ratio of successfully met to total criteria, usually as a percentage. If a company cooperates with 100 companies and 60 of them meet the compliance criteria, the compliance rate is 60%. A high compliance rate indicates that the parties are able to fulfill the contractual conditions, including the associated performance and delivery criteria. A low compliance rate indicates systemic or operational difficulties that signal the need for urgent action. Both financial and legal consequences can be threatened, ranging from contractual penalties to termination of the business relationship.

Contract extension and renewal rates

This key figure reflects the satisfaction and loyalty of the contracting parties. A high proportion of contract extensions and renewals is a positive signal and indicates that the contractual relationship is beneficial for both parties. However, a low value can be seen as a warning signal indicating possible deficiencies in contract execution or relationship management.

Risk assessment of contracts

Risk assessment is a critical factor in any contractual relationship. Whether financial, operational or legal risks, it is crucial to evaluate all possible scenarios and implement appropriate control mechanisms. Control mechanisms are evaluated by analyzing the frequency of missed deadlines, possible legal ambiguities or the duration of contract negotiations. The risk of a contract can also be assessed in terms of so-called "impairment". Impairment refers to the case where the realized value of a contract is lower than originally expected by the contracting parties.The systematic identification and evaluation of these risks enables proactive measures to be taken and thus business performance to be optimized.

Number of breaches of contract

The number of contract breaches is a direct indicator of the reliability and effectiveness of a contract management system. A high number of contract violations indicates structural deficiencies and requires an immediate review of existing contract management practices.


The use of key performance indicators (KPIs) is crucial in contract management. KPIs measure specific success and performance factors and provide executives with a sound basis for strategic decision-making. Key KPIs in contract management include contract negotiation time, compliance rates, contract extension and renewal rates, contract risk assessment, and the number of contract breaches.

By systematically using these KPIs, companies can optimize their contract processes and significantly improve business performance.

Optimize the use of KPIs with ContractHero

To effectively leverage these KPIs, ContractHero's contract management software provides built-in dashboards that are updated in real time. This allows companies to continuously monitor the status of their contracts, set efficient task management and automatic reminders, identify trends early on, and thus continuously optimize their contract strategies.
Arrange a demo with a ContractHero expert now to see the features and benefits for you and your company of our contract management software in practice.


KPIs are an indispensable tool in contract management. They provide valuable insights into the efficiency and effectiveness of contract processes and are thus an important component of strategic business decisions. ContractHero provides the ability to keep track of KPIs comprehensively and in real time. This allows companies to act proactively and be well prepared for future challenges. If you want to get the most out of your contract management, it's high time to take full advantage of digital opportunities.

Sebastian Wengryn

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