Creating contracts step by step: challenges & solutions

Contract drafting is a central process in day-to-day business that involves the formal definition of rights and obligations between parties. It involves the creation of a legally binding agreement that is signed by all parties involved. The process usually begins with a contract request, continues with the drafting and negotiation of the contract content and ends with the approval, signing and archiving of the contract. During this process, several people are often involved, which requires intensive coordination and communication.

One of the biggest challenges when drawing up a contract is the manual recording and management of data. Contracts consist of numerous, often complex clauses and conditions that need to be precisely formulated and correctly recorded. Finding relevant information and manually filling in numerous fields can be time-consuming and error-prone. Coordination between the departments and parties involved is also often an organizational hurdle. These factors slow down the process and increase the risk of errors.

How do you draw up a contract? How can software help?

The contract creation process consists of several key steps, from the initial contract request to the final signing and archiving. Each of these steps presents specific challenges that can affect the efficiency, accuracy and speed of the entire process. 

 1. contract request and draft‍

‍Firstof all, there must be a reason for drawing up the contract, such as a planned collaboration with a new business partner. A first draft is formulated based on this. This is often based on previous contracts. It should be noted that missing or unclear requirements can lead to misunderstandings and delay the process. In addition, creating a contract from scratch is time-consuming and there is a risk of using outdated or inappropriate templates or information.

With the help of contract creation software, contract templates can be designed directly on the platform or existing templates can be imported. Variable data placeholders facilitate customization by acting as text fields that are inserted into the contract. These text fields can be automatically filled in with the relevant information such as names, addresses or contract details without having to manually adapt or change the entire contract. This saves you time and reduces errors, especially with standardized contracts.

2. internal review, coordination and negotiation

The draft contract must first be reviewed internally and commented on by various departments. This requires close coordination between departments such as the legal department, finance department and compliance department. Internal coordination is followed by negotiations with the other party, in which different interests are taken into account and the results of the negotiations are then incorporated into the contract and finalized. Coordination between the various departments is often complex, which can lead to contradictory requirements and long review times. There is also a risk of incorrect or incomplete revisions after the negotiations.

With the right software, all departments can access the latest contract drafts at any time and make changes directly on the platform. Using standardized and approved templates reduces the risk of misunderstandings while maintaining consistency in contract language and formatting. This shortens review times and ensures that all teams are always working with the latest contract versions, avoiding conflicting requirements.

3. approval and signature

‍Thefinal contract must be approved before it is signed. The approval chain should run smoothly before the contract is finally signed. Long approval chains and last-minute changes can greatly delay the process, while the coordination of physical signatures in international or distributed teams already poses additional challenges.

Contract creation software can help shorten waiting times through simple approval processes and direct task assignments. An integrated electronic signature function then enables fast and legally compliant signing, even for teams with different locations.

4. archiving and administration

‍Aftersigning, the contract should be securely archived and managed . Tracking deadlines and the accessibility of contract data can prove to be crucial.

Contract management software archives all concluded contracts centrally and securely. A platform often has an integrated deadline management function that automatically reminds users of important deadlines. All contract content can be found and protected at any time, which makes administration much easier.

In summary, the right software can make the contract creation process much easier by simplifying the creation, review, signing and management of contracts. By storing templates centrally, automating processes and clearly structuring the steps, companies can save time and resources while ensuring the quality and legal compliance of contracts. You can find out exactly how templates help with optimization and how they are designed below.


Efficiency through contract templates: save time and avoid mistakes

Many companies have realized that it is inefficient and time-consuming to start the contract creation process from scratch every time. Instead, they are increasingly relying on contract templates to handle recurring agreements quickly and consistently. This is because in most cases contracts are similar, especially when it comes to frequently used clauses such as liability, payment terms or notice periods.

Instead of rewriting the same basic provisions for each new contract, it makes sense to use existing and tested contract content as a basis. By using templates, companies can save time and resources while ensuring that all legal requirements are met . Contract templates can be flexibly adapted and can therefore address specific agreements or individual features of a new contractual relationship without having to rethink the basic content each time.

Another key advantage of contract templates is the reduction of errors. Templates contain clauses that have already been tested and approved, which reduces the risk of inconsistencies or legal loopholes. They also enable a uniform structure and language in all contracts, which not only improves clarity but also speeds up the negotiation and review processes.

The ability to design templates or use existing contracts as a template makes the entire process more efficient. Companies can focus on the intricacies and specifics of each contract, while the basic framework is already in place. This approach not only saves time, but also ensures that the quality of the contracts remains at a consistently high level.


What a good contract template should consider: A guide

A well-structured contract template is a key element for efficient and error-free contract creation. To ensure that the template is used optimally at every stage of the process, the steps should be divided into preparation, creation, review and storage & use.

1. preparation

Before you create a contract template, careful planning is necessary to ensure that all important elements are taken into account.

Define the basic structure: Define the key components of the contract, such as contracting parties, subject matter, services, consideration, term and signatures. A clear structure ensures clarity and facilitates subsequent adjustments.

Clarify responsibilities: Ensure that all departments and individuals involved know their role in the contract process. Who is responsible for creating, reviewing and approving the contracts?

2. creation

During the creation phase, the contract template is developed and adapted to the company's specific requirements.

Insert content elements: Integrate important clauses such as payment terms, liability provisions, notice periods and place of jurisdiction. Industry-specific regulations should also be included in order to make the contract legally secure and comprehensive.

Language and formulations: Use clear, precise and legally compliant wording. Avoid ambiguities and ensure that the language is easy to understand, even for non-legal employees.

Use placeholders for flexibility: Insert placeholders for variable information (e.g. names, amounts, dates). These placeholders make it possible to adapt the template quickly and efficiently to different contractual partners or projects.

Formatting and structure: Pay attention to clear formatting. Use paragraphs, numbering and headings to organize the text clearly and make it easy to read. Consistent formatting contributes to the professionalism of the document.

3rd test

The legal and substantive review of the template is crucial in order to minimize legal risks.

Legal review: Have the template reviewed by a lawyer. This will ensure that all clauses comply with the applicable legal requirements and that no formulations are unclear or risky.

Test and optimize: Before the template goes into regular operation, test it in practice. Obtain feedback from users and optimize the template based on their experiences and feedback.

4. storage & use

A well-created template should not only be used correctly, but also stored properly and updated regularly.

Versioning and updating: Implement a version control system to ensure that the most up-to-date template is always used. Schedule regular reviews and updates to respond to changes in legislation or internal company policies.

Digitization and use: Create the template in a format that is easy to edit and manage. Contract management software makes handling easier, ensures automatic updates and makes sure that all employees have access to the right templates.

By following these steps, you ensure that your contract template is optimally prepared, created, checked and used. This not only saves time and resources, but also ensures the legal security and quality of your contracts.

Important requirements for a valid contract

Anyone working with contracts should know some basic legal rules to ensure that the contracts are valid and legally secure. A central principle in Germany is freedom of contract, which allows the parties to design types of contract or even develop new types of contract. However, there are some essential conditions that must be met for a contract to be legally valid.

  1. Offer and acceptance: Both parties must agree on the essential points of the contract.
  2. Legal capacity: Only persons (natural or legal) with legal capacity can conclude valid contracts.
  3. Consideration and lawful object: A contract must contain a clear consideration and must not have any unlawful content.

Invalidity of contracts:

A contract is invalid if it is immoral or usurious. Immorality (Section 138 BGB) exists if the contract offends common decency (any type of agreement that is considered unfair, immoral or exploitative). Usury exists when there is a conspicuous disproportion between performance and consideration (when one party exploits the weakness or plight of the other). Such contracts are not legally enforceable.

Those who are familiar with these basic regulations can avoid typical pitfalls when drawing up contracts. However, the expertise of a lawyer is essential for the legally compliant drafting and design of complex contracts in particular.

Although the basic legal requirements for contracts clearly define that only natural and legal persons have legal capacity, the question arises as to how modern technologies - primarily artificial intelligence (AI) - can be integrated into the contract creation process. AI is neither a natural nor a legal person and therefore cannot itself be a party to a contract. Nevertheless, it is playing an increasingly important role in the automation and support of contract processes. 

The influence of AI on contract creation

The role of artificial intelligence (AI) in contract creation is steadily increasing. AI is already providing support in the analysis and creation of contracts by recognizing patterns from large amounts of data and generating standard contracts automatically. This saves time and reduces human error, especially for recurring or similar types of contracts. In the future, AI could be integrated even more closely into the entire contract process by interpreting more complex clauses and adapting contract content to specific requirements.

The limits of AI in contract creation

Despite these advances, however, AI has its limitations. As contracts often have individual and complex legal requirements, AI is not always able to fully understand all relevant aspects or adequately consider legal nuances. Human oversight therefore remains essential to ensure that no errors or misunderstandings arise.

Liability issues in the use of AI

Another risk associated with the use of AI in contract creation is the issue of liability. As the AI itself is not a person with legal capacity, the responsibility for any errors lies with those who use the AI. If an AI creates a faulty contract, legal consequences can arise for which the contractual partner is liable. This makes it all the more important for automated processes to be carefully checked by humans in order to ensure legal certainty.


Contract creation is a complex and critical process that requires careful planning, precision and legal certainty. In particular, the use of contract templates and the integration of AI can help to save time, minimize errors and ensure the consistency of contracts. However, human expertise remains essential, especially when reviewing legal nuances and liability. With an optimal combination of technology and legal expertise, companies can significantly improve the contract creation process and reduce legal risks.

How ContractHero supports the process:
ContractHero simplifies contract creation by allowing you to design, import and edit templates directly on the platform. Placeholders allow you to quickly insert important data such as start and end dates or names, and existing contact details are automatically filled in, which saves a lot of time, especially for standardized contracts such as employment contracts. In addition, all documents are stored centrally on one platform so that changes made by the legal department to the templates are adopted immediately. This means that everyone involved is always working with the latest version. ContractHero also offers direct contract signing with advanced or qualified electronic signatures. Once signed, the contract is managed efficiently, deadlines are automatically monitored and all contract content is easy to find - simplifying and speeding up the entire process.

For further information please visit our homepage.

Sebastian Wengryn

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